The most energetic and enthusiastic festival celebrated in India is Ganpati Mahotsav celebrated with great passion mostly in the Maharastra and Gujarat.
Celebrated for the 10 days. The excitement starts from the day of the procession(Shobha yatra) of the lord til the of the immersion(visrajan).
The history of this festival is so vast that I also don't know when this festival started and why? But the thing I know is that this festival became a trend from the last 7-8 years.
During these 10 days, you can see different faces and different form of Ganesha with a variety of sizes in every society. the size of Ganpati varies from 1cm to 25 feet of height.
During these days the lord is worshiped with great respect and celebrations. Not only the common people but also the celebrities and businessmen`s also worship lord many of them establish(sthapna) lord in their homes for 10 days and celebrates the festival.
Different programmes are also organised during these days like Chappan(56) bhog this is the lord is served 56 different food items. then many society and townships organise Garba program or games for the kids.
On the 10th days, visarjan is done as the ritual is done to signify the birth cycle of Lord Ganesha; just as he was created from clay/Earth, his symbolic statue is as well. The idol is immersed in water so that Ganesha may return to his home after his 'stay' at the devotees' home or society where the Ganesha Chaturthi rituals are conducted.
" गणेशोत्सवाच्या तुम्हाला,व तुमच्या कुटुंबियांना हार्दिक शुभेच्छा!"
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